My name is Kalea Aine. My journey to spiritual awakening began initially by healing myself physically through plant-based nutrition. My healing journey also opened a path for me to discover the true light and teachings of The Christ Family through unconditional love. I share the knowledge I have acquired through my health education, the journey I have traveled as well as obstacles I have faced … striving to give to others who are seeking true light, abundant health and guidance.

Have you ever wondered… 

Why am I here on this earth? What is the purpose of my life?  What happens when this earthly life is over?

In February of 2015, I awoke from a very vivid dream about the return of Christ to earth. The dream was more real than my waking life.  I felt in my body and mind a true unconditional love from God. I can’t describe it other than it felt more powerful than anything on this earth. I made a drawing of what I saw in the dream because it was so impactful. At that time, I didn’t understand the meaning of the dream or why I had the dream. I continued to yearn for the feelings I experienced in that dream and came to believe my journey on this earth was to clear everything that was blocking my path of finding my true soul connection to God. I believe the vibration of love I felt in the dream is what God wants for each of us. It is only possible when we physically and emotionally heal on this earth, which is a living library for your soul. The journey home to that love begins with educating yourself on how to heal and thrive physically in your human body. I have walked this path of healing and know that it is possible for anyone seeking truth and love … even with obstacles of pain and trauma … to heal.

Whatever challenges awaken you to begin your healing journey, the knowledge to heal and walk toward the light is the greatest gift you can give yourself. 

Choosing to not let darkness blow out your light as well as learning to thrive through physical health is possible for everyone. It is a great gift to our creator as well as a gift to this earth. Every thought and action of yours can contribute to good health of mind, body and soul, or it can contribute to disease of mind, body and soul. Acquiring the knowledge to thrive physically through healthy eating is the “path of light” for your mind, body and soul. Every human being needs to be educated on how to thrive, detox and heal. Let me share this knowledge with you!

With LOVE,

Kalea Aine

My Approach To THE GIFT OF LIFE:


Is to be in service to God and share truth. I am a truth seeker and have always been searching for truth based on facts, science and an inner knowing along with my gift of vision. I have always been able to see the highest path for my friends and have always wanted those around me to thrive and have the best life possible. During my life’s journey, I have had tremendous set backs and grief, but never give up on seeking light, truth and GOD. The journey home to the soul on this earth is the greatest gift and it starts with a thriving & healthy human body. I will share my knowledge and education to empower you to learn to thrive physically and conquer your goals!



Everyone wants to feel and look amazing while living an abundant life. Through trauma, tragedy and trials we can all find peace, joy and triumph in healing the body and soul.

Build it

Build your dream life by becoming educated on how to support the human body and make choices that are aligned with you thriving and feeling your best!